
Average monthly expenses for family of 4
Average monthly expenses for family of 4

The mentor’s aim in this project is to collect interviews of Indian immigrants in the USA. The mentor and SIP interns will use various available technology tools. The material will include streaming audio and written transcripts accessible online in digital formats. This project will give an opportunity to the SIP interns to collect oral history material about the experiences of immigrant parents, grandparents, and their American-born children. The mentor would like to broaden the scope of this research by incorporating the experiences of other Indian immigrants. The mentor has made two films, “Homeland in the Heart” and “Life Giving Ceremony of Jagannath” documenting the involvement of Odia people (people from the state of Odisha) in building a community and developing a sense of belonging to the United States. For the last three decades the mentor has been working on the Indian diaspora in the Greater Bay Area, California. This project will encourage SIP interns to collect stories about the immigrant experience in the United States. The mentor and SIP interns will use various tools provided by technology in their digital story telling research. The world in which we live today is largely created by technology. What these stories tell us is the rich experience human beings have acquired in their life.

average monthly expenses for family of 4

We tell stories about ourselves as well as about others.

average monthly expenses for family of 4

These days, one often hears that we human beings are primarily story tellers. Title: Technology and Oral Story Collection of Indian Immigrants in the USA

Average monthly expenses for family of 4